Settling into it....
The bike went together without problem this morning. Just two
teething problems: rubbing in the front wheel turned out to be a loose brake block
and gears playing up turned out to be because I had inadvertently squidged the gear
cable when I put Steve’s pannier on – both easily solved.
It always takes a day or two to adjust to riding in a new place
and today was no exception. Still, we are getting there – we successfully negotiated
the busy Seattle dockside area and then worked our way right through downtown Seattle. There have been a lot of dedicated traffic free
cycleways, often the width of a Dorset lane. Although, many of them give the impression
of riding through the backwoods, the sound of traffic has not often been far away.
No complaints though – I wouldn’t want to cycle down one of those multi lane freeways
that make our M25 look like a backwater!!
Today we have covered just 83km bringing us to a not very salubrious
but perfectly acceptable motel at Everett. I believe there is a Boeing place here
somewhere but we haven’t seen it. (Now I Google it I see there are a whole load
of Boeing sites including an airfield.)
Nice bike. Shame about the feet. Bon voyage.👍